South Florida

Continuing the excellent tradition of "The Church"

In 1992, “The Church” started in a living room, then moved to an office building, a high-school auditorium, a store front, back to a middle school and then to the another Center for 12 years. Through out their journey, they have always had a focus on reaching people through the arts supported by unselfish service to the community. The information below is the next phase of this continuous journey to reach their neighbors by loving each person who enters this place, with the love of God. Click here to read more about their history.

Live Performances from the “The Church” team who have decades worth of experience and amazing performances. 


In 1992, Pastor and 50 others began a new ministry based on reaching youth and their families in south Florida through athletics, music and drama to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The addition of the “Performance Arena” will allow “The Church” to host live shows for the community every weekend. 

Teaching through Immersive Experiences is more powerful than a lecture. 

The escape room and immersive gaming world has long been shifting towards the theatrical with games that explore the human condition, and help each player better understand their capabilities in this world.

Aristotle: “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”

Student Interns learn valuable and employable culinary skills as they prepare healthy and ever-evolving menu items for guests. Weekly cooking competitions broadcasted online.

Competitions continue to evolve as tournaments grow in fun and entertainment.

Robotic competitions expand around the country and globally. Robotic competitions every weekend in main arena. 

Online broadcasting with Interns in front of and behind the cameras.

Interns learn the elements of Preproduction, Production, and Post-Production as they are Broadcasting Online the unique performances and competitions – for the world to see.

Communicating to overcome obstacles even with cultural differences.

We place participants in situations where they must set aside differences to overcome a challenge. This approach, we have found, produces in participants a more natural bond akin to that developed within a real-life search-and-rescue-team. This reconciliation process uses elaborate story lines in simulated rescue missions in a themed facility.

CoreFire Competitions motivate participants to tap into their mental, physical and value-based strength.

Competitive play, or what is more recently referred to as “gamification,” is a powerful tool that stimulates our minds, builds trust, breaks barriers, connects us to others, opens doors to learning, and teaches us lessons about ourselves.

The CoreFire App delivers a complete training session to the Interns on their phone.

Think of the CoreFire App as the first system to integrate a social media type of database into a gamified system with the purpose of helping students track and record volunteer experiences, training efforts, and receive mentorship.

The entertainment industry demonstrates how heroes are appealing to youth and adults.

Why do we enjoy watching Superman or Spider-Man battle the bad guys? Good vs. Evil. Love vs. Hate. Isn’t that the most important lesson of all?

The facility is built with a Grid Architecture system that allows for climbing adventures throughout the facility.

In addition to fun climbing adventures, Interns are trained to take teams through “Scripted Adventures” that include interactive challenges within the themed rooms built into the climbing structures.

Grid Architecture System lowers construction cost for the facility.

Using a Grid Architecture System greatly reduces the construction cost and allows for volunteers to assist creating a passionate bond with the community.

6 minute video demonstrating CoreFire Experiential Learning System

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